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Raja Yoga: The Science of the Mind ~ an 8-week course

  • TGR Yoga ~ The Great Remembering 33 Burnt Hill Road #3 Skillman, NJ 08858 USA (map)

Raja Yoga: The Science of the Mind

an 8-week course

Study one of the most important and useful of the yoga texts: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Raja Yoga, often referred to as “The Science of the Mind,” gives great insight as to how you work, how to manage and shape your life to become established in peace and joy. It is both revelatory and practical. Besides gaining deep understanding of the mechanics of your mind and life, it gives you very practical means to apply those insights.

8 sessions - Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 9:30pm
January 17th, 24th, 31st - February 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th - March 7th

This course is rich and engaging. With class discussions, personal study and explorations, Raja Yoga practices, group sharing and interactions you will get insights as you learn to apply the Raja Yoga principals daily throughout the 8 weeks of the course, and then throughout your life.

Those who take our Yoga Teacher Training find this a highlight of their training.

This Raja Yoga Course is open to all.

Come to understand yourself and gain great tools for managing your mind and your life.

Yoga Alliance RYTs get

24 contact hrs & 12 non-contact hrs of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credits
Jayadeva E-RYT500 and Ron Cohen RYT500 are the principal instructors.

Registration: $160 * Register Here ~>

You will need the following text for the course:
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda
Use the link below to get either the Kindle version paperback: